
Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2023, and plans for 2024

The past year was difficult for us on many levels, but the last two months were a little bit optimistic. Let's look at the details of the twelve months that passed in Enclave Games, see exactly how 2023 went, and make some reasonable plans for 2024.

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2022, and plans for 2023

The first half of the year went rather ok, the second - not so good. From the current point of view it seems those were the worst twelve months since at least a couple of years, if not ever - various health issues of all our bunch made us fail to deliver multiple projects planned for 2022.

Web Monetization

Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development — final Grant report

It's been almost a year since our Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development grant project was announced in July 2020, and even though we had quite significant delay of four extra months on top of original six, I'm really happy with how the project went for us.

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2020, and plans for 2021

Even though 2020 was overall a terrible year, we are really happy with how it turned out for us, given we received a grant from the Grant for the Web program to work on our projects.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2020

December was quite intense, especially from the tech speaking and networking point of view - I was actively testing my new audio/video setup.