Today is the seventh year anniversary of starting the company, as in the day the legal entity was registered in Poland, although Enclave Games had its domain bought and website launched in 2012 already when I quit my full-time front-end job in a corporation and decided to make web games instead.
I’m a huge Fallout 2 fan since I played the game in my childhood so many years ago, that’s why the name of the company, but not many know about the first version of the logo and why it needed to be changed.
Some fans will surely recognize the similarity to the Advanced Power Armor (Mark II Powered Combat Armor) which was used by the Enclave, the ultimate bad guys, since it is present on the cover of the Fallout 2 game itself.
Ewa designed it, and I started using it right away. This logo was even printed in the onGameStart conference booklet in 2013, and I was so excited about that. Then I got the email from Bethesda (since they already had the rights over the Fallout franchise) that, well, the name Enclave Games can stay, but the logo is too similar to the cover image.
Sadly, we had to change it, so we experimented with alternatives, ranging from something very similar to entirely new creations. We’ve eventually landed with the current one which was created from scratch, and evolved from the first drafts as well.
With the upcoming Fallout TV series from Amazon next month I thought it would be fitting to dig up this story, as the premiere brings back old memories. We had all the images sitting quietly on our backup server, so it wasn’t too hard to go through and publish them.