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Enclave Games Monthly Report: July 2022

It’s that time of the year again - fully focusing on the js13kGames preparations. This didn’t stop me from giving a talk at an in person event first time since the pandemic started two and a half years ago.

Enclave Games - Monthly July 2022 - Andersen meetup


Nothing at all, unfortunately.


I wrote a short blog post reviewing Grid Studio frames that we got as part of the deal for having them as prizes in the js13kGames competition.

Enclave Games - Monthly July 2022 - Grid frames

I’ve picked a Game Boy console and an XBox One controller - both look awesome!


Ewa also focused on the js13kGames competition: designed the new 2022 t-shirt, prepared the banner templates for announcing experts, partners, and prizes, and the one for WebXR category announcement as well.


I did attend the W3C Games Community Group call - July’s one was about Cocos Creator.

Enclave Games - Monthly July 2022 - Andersen vid

In the middle of the month we all (me, my wife Ewa and daughter Kasia) went for a short trip to Cracow where I gave a talk about building games in 13 kilobytes at the Front-end Hero meetup that took place in Andersen’s office. The rest of our stay was spent on sightseeing the Old Town and having fun offline.


Most of June was spent on acquiring partners, experts, and prizes for the js13kGames 2022 competition, and then adding them to the website and announcing through social media.

I bought two things I wanted to have for years, but couldn’t find in regular sale anymore - they both appeared recently on eBay, so I couldn’t miss the opportunity, even if I overpaid a bit in the process. One arrived already from UK, the other is still traveling from Australia for quite a long time already, but should arrive soon. Those things are silly, but there’s a story behind what they represent, so when I have them both I’ll write a blog post about it.

Plans for the next month

August? Most probably 100% js13kGames, not even fooling myself I’ll be able to do anything else.