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Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2021

At the beginning of October we’ve announced the winners of the js13kGames 2021 competition during the online Awards Ceremony, and were steadily sending prizes and preparing the swag through the rest of the month.

Enclave Games - Monthly October 2021: js13kGames 2021 Awards Ceremony


Nope, nothing.


I wrote Becoming a GitHub Star blog post where I went through the open source activities - both mine and the community.


Ewa took over the management of the js13kGames swag as we had to find a new printing house (for both the t-shirts and new gadgets), and go through explaining all the details to them. That helped me a lot, and I could focus on other things (like prizes).


A whole bunch, all online - check my October events galore blog post for details.


Beside announcing the js13kGames 2021 winners during the Awards Ceremony, we’ve also gathered shipping addresses, ordered our own stickers, confirmed the deal for t-shirts and keychains with the new printing house, and sent all the digital prizes.

Enclave Games - Monthly October 2021: Triska joins Arcadians

Badlucky from Triska joined the Arcadians NFT project led by Paul Gadi from OP Games. The initiative is supporting open source game engines and gamedev communities, so we’re very happy we were able to add our very own black cat to the mix.

We’ve bought a Nintendo Switch OLED (of course for testing purposes to become better game developers!) and a new MacBook Pro 14” (the now-old had served well since March 2013 and is still operational, though recently got very laggy).

Plans for the next month

Finish the remaining work around js13kGames, write and publish the two blog posts about Web Monetization and Decentralized category entries, and write down requirements for the new website. Complete Triska and IPFS tutorial, and start the new exciting project!