The past year was even more difficult than the previous one, with struggles along the way, but had some good moments, positive surprizes and achievements as well. Let's look at how 2024 went in detail, and what are the plans for Enclave Games in 2025.
July was full of js13kGames 2024 announcements: partners, experts, and prizes. I've also continued publishing news items about useful web tools, cool games, and various competitions on the Gamedev.js website.
Our Flood Escape game was added to the Arcadia platform with all the levels already unlocked, including the newly implemented Badlucky one.
During June the countdown to js13kGames 2024 started, new Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter website was published, we've opened our swag Shop, added Badlucky level in Flood Escape, and announced OP Guild and Arcadia collaboration with cash prizes.
To celebrate thirteenth edition of the js13kGames competition happening this year we've decided to create a dedicated Badlucky level in our Flood Escape game.
We've focused on the Gamedev.js Jam 2023 preparations in March, but some cool unrelated things happened last month as well.
Last month we've focused on doing one thing right - preparing and shipping the long overdue 130 packages with js13kGames 2022 swag: t-shirts, coasters, and stickers.
January was suppose to be a fresh start after not so successful 2022 (to say the least) - I can't say we did all what we wanted, since we didn't (flu season is still on), but we did some of that.
The first half of the year went rather ok, the second - not so good. From the current point of view it seems those were the worst twelve months since at least a couple of years, if not ever - various health issues of all our bunch made us fail to deliver multiple projects planned for 2022.
October was full of js13kGames tasks with a bunch of unplanned distractions, but we've managed to release a new Halloween level in Flood Escape, so it wasn't that bad eventually.