Even though 2020 was overall a terrible year, we are really happy with how it turned out for us, given we received a grant from the Grant for the Web program to work on our projects.
Our Grant for the Web project was announced in the middle of July 2020 - it had a somewhat generic name Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development since it was actually a few (six to be exact) smaller projects revolving around monetizing web games: three Enclave Games creations, js13kGames competition, an eBook, and a Gamedev.js Survey.
November was a strange month - busy, but with many small tasks that are hard to summarize in the report, so it looks weirdly empty. Let me assure you we weren't having any vacations or anything though.
October was quite an active month: handling js13kGames, giving a talk at an online meetup, and writing lots of blog posts.