IGDA Foundation

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2021

March was a crazy month on so many levels - we were extremely busy, had health issues, unexpected problems, and couldn't work as much as we wanted. We didn't even have the time or energy to celebrate Enclave's birthday that happened March 10th, but I do hope April will be better.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2021

January was full of various activities: from publishing the Yearly Report, through two js13kGames videos to watch, and Enclave Phaser Template being updated to 3.50, to the Global Game Jam 2021 invitation. And most of all, the work on the new js13kGames website moved forward significantly!


Global Game Jam 2021 with Kernel Gaming Guild, IGDA Foundation, and Web Monetization

This year's Global Game Jam, given what's happening around the world, went entirely online. The good news are you all are invited to particpate however and wherever you want.