There are two interesting video materials about last year's competition that are worth spending some time on: showcase of all the 36 entries from the Web Monetization category recorded by Jupiter Hadley, and overall top 20 best games with their source code explained by Ania Kubów prepared for freeCodeCamp.
Our Grant for the Web project was announced in the middle of July 2020 - it had a somewhat generic name Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development since it was actually a few (six to be exact) smaller projects revolving around monetizing web games: three Enclave Games creations, js13kGames competition, an eBook, and a Gamedev.js Survey.
August is the month when js13kGames starts, so you can be sure I was fully into preparations and then other tasks around it when it launched.
You probably already noticed, but js13kGames 2020 started August 13th - join fellow game developers trying to build HTML5 games within the 13 kilobyte zip size limit. Deadline: September 13th.