

Into the future with OP Guild

The big news are out: I'm joining OP Games as Developer Advocate to lead the newly formed OP Guild.

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2022, and plans for 2023

The first half of the year went rather ok, the second - not so good. From the current point of view it seems those were the worst twelve months since at least a couple of years, if not ever - various health issues of all our bunch made us fail to deliver multiple projects planned for 2022.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2022

Even though I dropped a few talk opportunities to focus on Gamedev.js Survey and Jam preparations, I still ended up attending a bunch of events and even speaking at some of them.

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2021, and plans for 2022

The past year was a solid one for Enclave Games. Not perfect, but definitely good - we've focused on Web Monetization the first half of 2021, while experimenting with Decentralization in the background the past twelve months.


Gamedev.js Jam 2021 post mortem

We've wrapped the second edition of the Gamedev.js Jam last week, so it's time to do a little summary of how it went, especially given it ended up being way bigger than initially planned.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2021

March was a crazy month on so many levels - we were extremely busy, had health issues, unexpected problems, and couldn't work as much as we wanted. We didn't even have the time or energy to celebrate Enclave's birthday that happened March 10th, but I do hope April will be better.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2021

February was all about working on the remaining Grant for the Web program grant projects - we've already got the deadline extended, so we have to finish our work as soon as possible.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2021

January was full of various activities: from publishing the Yearly Report, through two js13kGames videos to watch, and Enclave Phaser Template being updated to 3.50, to the Global Game Jam 2021 invitation. And most of all, the work on the new js13kGames website moved forward significantly!

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2020, and plans for 2021

Even though 2020 was overall a terrible year, we are really happy with how it turned out for us, given we received a grant from the Grant for the Web program to work on our projects.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2020

December was quite intense, especially from the tech speaking and networking point of view - I was actively testing my new audio/video setup.