The past year was difficult for us on many levels, but the last two months were a little bit optimistic. Let's look at the details of the twelve months that passed in Enclave Games, see exactly how 2023 went, and make some reasonable plans for 2024.
GitHub Universe was my opportunity to finally fly to a conference this year, and Ewa managed to package and ship js13kGames 2023 swag - it seems November was pretty decent in terms of the job done, which is nice.
Announcing winners, sending prizes, collecting shipping details - with no surprise at all, October still mostly revolved around the js13kGames 2023 competition.
Beside being busy with the js13kGames competition as usual every August since 2012, we also celebrated the 500th issue of the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter - the first one was sent at the beginning of January 2014.
As you might've imagined, April was 100% about Gamedev.js Jam 2023. Good news is we've finally launched Gamedev.js Shop with cool swag!
The first half of the year went rather ok, the second - not so good. From the current point of view it seems those were the worst twelve months since at least a couple of years, if not ever - various health issues of all our bunch made us fail to deliver multiple projects planned for 2022.
Monthly Report three-and-a-half weeks later than planned? Yup, if you mix handling js13kGames full time with being sick most of the month, then you end up with the chaos described below.
The js13kGames 2022 competition is at full swing, and all the time and efforts are put into it right now.
It's that time of the year again - fully focusing on the js13kGames preparations. This didn't stop me from giving a talk at an in person event first time since the pandemic started two and a half years ago.
About 90% of the time in April was spent on running Gamedev.js Jam 2022 with very little left for other things, so plans made a month ago are still valid for the one that already started.