
Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: August 2023

Beside being busy with the js13kGames competition as usual every August since 2012, we also celebrated the 500th issue of the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter - the first one was sent at the beginning of January 2014.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: July 2023

With no surprise at all, during July the js13kGames preparations took over the entire month.


Gamedev.js Weekly #500: half a thousand weeks of web gamedev

It's been five hundred weeks, or 3500 days since the beginning of January 2014 when I started publishing the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter. Time flies so fast!

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: June 2023

I haven't written a single line of code since the last game we've released more than two years ago, so I'm happy to report that in June I did join a game jam, and submitted an entry!

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2023

As you might've imagined, April was 100% about Gamedev.js Jam 2023. Good news is we've finally launched Gamedev.js Shop with cool swag!