December was another busy month: I've managed to run Gamedev.js Survey 2024 and collected the record number of forms submitted. All that with some health issues and private matters in the background.
November was packed and busy to a point the Monthly Report is late again, but at least it's not the last day of the month like the October one, so there's progress!
October started with the js13kGames 2024 winners announcement, and to no surprise the rest of the month still revolved around the competition: from follow-up blog posts, through emailing prizes, to collecing addresses for the shipment of the t-shirts.
The sole fact that September's Monthly Report goes out half a month later than it should tells you everything about the amount of work spent on the js13kGames competition this time.
Most of the month was taken over by js13kGames, as usual this time of year, especially since we're celebrating the thirteenth edition of the competition now.
July was full of js13kGames 2024 announcements: partners, experts, and prizes. I've also continued publishing news items about useful web tools, cool games, and various competitions on the Gamedev.js website.
During June the countdown to js13kGames 2024 started, new Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter website was published, we've opened our swag Shop, added Badlucky level in Flood Escape, and announced OP Guild and Arcadia collaboration with cash prizes.
A lot has happened in May: from announcing Gamedev.js Jam 2024 winners and sending them all the prizes, through finally writing about my burnout, to looking into the bright future with the newly formed OP Guild which I'm going to lead.
April was all about Gamedev.js Jam 2024: from last minute preparations, through explanations of all the optional challenges (including brand new js13kGames one), the start and the theme announcement, to showcasing all the entries submitted this year, and encouraging voting as the winners will be announced in a couple of days from now.
Gamedev.js Jam 2024 preparations and announcements, GitHub Star status renewed yet again, old Enclave Games logos revisited, NSHex Counter going open source, publishing a lot on, reviewing a printed tweet, and more - I'm happy with how writing goes along and the recently overwhelming TODO list is getting shorter each week.