Games available for licensing, and specialists available for hiring.
We also run cool projects of our own.
Feel free to get in touch to talk about all things gamedev!
Another Neuroshima Hex army pack debut, another NSHex Counter app update - this time with the newest Desert Tribes tile set.
Most of the month was taken over by js13kGames, as usual this time of year, especially since we're celebrating the thirteenth edition of the competition now.
July was full of js13kGames 2024 announcements: partners, experts, and prizes. I've also continued publishing news items about useful web tools, cool games, and various competitions on the Gamedev.js website.
Learning the truth that the only constant is change is the most annoying thing someone with a solid plan can experience. Bonus points if you're in the autism spectrum and hate any changes to your plan whatsoever.
The second W3C Games CG online meetup this year (after January's AI one) happened last week, on Tuesday April 30th - this time we've talked about Web games at GDC.
StickerMule, the company from which we're buying all our stickers for more than a decade already decided to print tweets and frame them, so you can hang them on your wall. Weird? Yes. Did I get one? Obviously!