
Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2022

February's TL;DR? Being famous for a day, having multiple design brainstorming sessions, starting client work, and still trying to catch up on our own delayed projects.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2022

We've spent January trying to catch up on things that were suppose to be finished last year already (mostly js13kGames-related), but got delayed by various reasons.

Yearly Report

Enclave Games in 2021, and plans for 2022

The past year was a solid one for Enclave Games. Not perfect, but definitely good - we've focused on Web Monetization the first half of 2021, while experimenting with Decentralization in the background the past twelve months.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2021

December is usually slower than previous months, and even though we tried working as usual, our daughter decided to break a record for the number of sick days she can have in a month, staying most of December away from kindergarten, which obviously didn't help with our productivity.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2021

Last month was a weird one: we had a bunch of delays with our work and ultimately weren't able to finish planned tasks in time, got some bad news when we were counting on the good ones, but also got the awesome news faster than expected right after.


Forest Cuties tournament

Wait, what? Yes, you read that right: there's going to be a one-day Forest Cuties tournament where the main prize is 50 NEAR.

Web Monetization

Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development — final Grant report

It's been almost a year since our Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development grant project was announced in July 2020, and even though we had quite significant delay of four extra months on top of original six, I'm really happy with how the project went for us.

Web Monetization

Forest Cuties - from a poster on the wall to a mobile game utilizing Web Monetization and NFTs

This game's story started a couple of years ago on a wall above our daughter's bed as a cute poster, only to evolve into a physical card game, and then a mobile one that implemented Web Monetization's receipt verifier service, and even offered an NFT to the mix.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2021

The beginning of May was all about the Gamedev.js Jam 2021 results, while during the rest of the month we were wrapping our already-too-many-times-delayed Grant for the Web grant work, which included NSHex Roulette, Body Guard, and Forest Cuties.


Gamedev.js Jam 2021 post mortem

We've wrapped the second edition of the Gamedev.js Jam last week, so it's time to do a little summary of how it went, especially given it ended up being way bigger than initially planned.